JUNE 20th SOLSTICE ACTIVITY with Patricia Cota-Robles - Jacklyn Johnston

Newsletter English

On THURSDAY JUNE 20th, I will be the Guest Speaker on You Awakening, which is a wonderful telesummit dedicated to supporting our evolution, hosted by Jacklyn  Johnston. 
This Solstice Is Unique in Powerful Ways

Don't miss this rare opportunity to enhance your Physical Transformation.


Since the beginning of this year, the Company of Heaven has been guiding us through various activities of Light that are raising the frequency of vibration of every single person’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. With the powerful influx of Light we will receive from the June 21st Solstice, this process will be exponentially intensified. You and I and the rest of awakening Humanity are being asked by the Company of Heaven if we are willing to be the Open Door for this incredible influx of Light on behalf of ourselves, our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity and Mother Earth.


Please join Jacklyn and myself Online for this powerful Activity of Light. This greatly intensified frequency of Light will help to prepare Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth to receive the additional life-transforming  influxes of Light that we are destined to experience in 2019.


This program will air Online THURSDAY JUNE 20th , at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
If you are not already subscribed to receive email announcements from YOU AWAKENING, please sign up by going to www.youawakening.com
If you cannot join us Live the REPLAY will be available after airing.
Thank you for your willingness to add to the Light of the World on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life on this sweet Earth.
God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


Era of Peace
PO Box 17446
Tucson, Arizona 85731 
Phone520-885-7909  FAX: 520-347-5440

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