Newsletter English


During this extraordinary time, what I AM hearing most often from people all over the World is that they know something really BIG is happening on Earth and they realize intuitively that this is the reason why they are here. Many of them say that all of their life they have had an Inner Knowing that whatever they are here to do is going to make a tremendous difference in a very positive and healing way for Humanity and Mother Earth. They often have no idea just what that means and many times they even feel like they must be crazy to think such things, but they are not.

 Now, due to the monumental changes that have taken place since the Birth of this New Decade in 2020, every person’s I AM Presence has been able to fully integrate into the Core of Purity within the atomic and subatomic cellular structures in his or her Earthly Bodies. That means that this aspect of our own Divinity can now communicate directly and far more obviously with our conscious mind.

 For this reason, the Beings of Light want me to reiterate something they have been sharing with Awakening Humanity over the past several decades. This information has been given to ALL of us, not to flatter us or stroke our egos, but rather to give us the trust, confidence, strength and courage we will need in order to accomplish the awesome facet of the Divine Plan that is unfolding on Earth during this Cosmic Moment.

 Please set aside any preconceived notions you have about your life and who you think you are. Listen to these words with an open heart and mind. Allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Truth of this message. For some of you this information will reverberate through your Heart Flame as confirmation of what you have always known. For others, this sacred knowledge will sound completely foreign and beyond the possibility of anything you can imagine for yourself, but it is not. 

 The Company of Heaven has revealed and our Father-Mother God have confirmed that the Earth is in the midst of a unique experiment that has never been attempted in any System of Worlds. Never in the whole of Creation has a Planet that has fallen to the depths of pain and suffering that Humanity has experienced since we fell into the abyss of separation and duality, been given the opportunity to Ascend through two Dimensional shifts in such a short period of time.

 Since Harmonic Convergence which took place in August of 1987, the Earth has been Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution from the 3rd Dimension through the 4th Dimension and into the initial frequencies of the 5th Dimension. Normally, a Planet’s evolutionary shift from one Dimension into another takes millions of years. However, this time through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth something dramatically different is being cocreated.

 The success of the experiment we are in the midst of is destined to permanently change the evolutionary process for every Son and Daughter of God in a most wondrous and positive way. Once Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension is completed, never again will the Sons and Daughters of God, in any System of Worlds, inadvertently through curiosity and ignorance make the fateful decision to use the Gift of our Life Force in devastating ways that are not based in Love.

 Aeons ago, when the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth originally made the free will choice to use our creative faculties of thought and feeling to misqualify our Life Force in that self-destructive way, we had no idea what the results would be. We did not comprehend that our reckless behavior would result in the manifestation of the gross mutations and painful maladies that have caused so much suffering in our individual and collective lives to this very day.  But now, we do know.

 Once this experiment and Earth’s Ascension process are victoriously accomplished, the sum total of the details of Humanity’s horrific descent into the abyss of separation and duality and our victorious Ascent back into the Light will be permanently encoded in the Sacred Halls of Knowledge and Divine Wisdom in the Inner Realms of Illumined Truth. From that moment forth, every Son and Daughter of God throughout the whole of Creation will be able to learn from Humanity’s mistakes and avert our painful experiences by studying about our miscreations and our fall from Grace. They will be able to learn the lessons of what NOT to do through research rather than physically creating that pain through trial and error as we did.

 Our Father-Mother God said that with the Victory of Earth’s Ascension, Humanity will cocreate a NEW OCTAVE OF GODHOOD and never again will the Sons and Daughters of God have to experience the depths of pain and suffering we have endured on Earth due to the miscreations we inadvertently and often ignorantly manifested

 Because of what the success of this facet of the Divine Plan will mean for every Son and Daughter of God, the whole of Creation is focused on this one tiny Planet. That means that Legions of Light from Suns beyond Suns and Galaxies beyond Galaxies have already assisted us and are standing in readiness to assist us NOW with the unprecedented PLANETARY REBOOT for which Humanity and Mother Earth are now preparing.

 So, what does all of this mean for you personally? Well, because of the urgency of the hour and the critical need for Humanity to succeed in this experiment, nothing has been left to chance. Every single person who has embodied on Earth since the latter part of the 1800’s was specifically chosen and has been preparing for Lifetimes to fulfill a particular role during this Cosmic Endeavor.

 During the latter part of the 1800’s our Father-Mother God issued a Clarion Call asking for volunteers from both the Earth’s evolutions and throughout the Universe, who would be willing and able to embody on Earth in order to assist with this experiment. Literally billions of souls from all Systems of Worlds enthusiastically volunteered to serve in this way. They clearly perceived what the success of this Divine Mission would mean for Sons and Daughters of God everywhere. In spite of the horrific chaos they were destined to face on Earth during the final stages of this experiment, they understood what a Gift their sacrifice would be for all Creation.

 In choosing the volunteers, however, enthusiasm and willingness were not enough. Every person that was selected to embody on Earth was carefully evaluated. Our various Lifetimes and our personal experiences were noted, so was the way we were able to stay focused on the Light and to handle challenges in difficult situations. The Company of Heaven said that for every person who was chosen to embody on Earth there were millions who were turned away. That is not because those of us who were allowed to embody are more special or more evolved than our Sisters and Brothers who were turned away. We were chosen because our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven felt that because of the way we were able to stay focused on the Light and stand in our Truth in the face of all adversity, we had a better chance of succeeding victoriously with Earth’s monumental experiment.

 Because the success of our Divine Mission at this time will result in creating A NEW OCTAVE OF GODHOOD that will prevent the Sons and Daughters of God from ever having to experience the depths of pain and suffering that the Earth has experienced. Our presence on Earth is a Gift beyond the comprehension of our finite minds.

 Please take the following words into the deepest recesses of your Heart Flame. Our Father-Mother God said that because of the Gift Earth’s experiment is providing for the Sons and Daughters of God throughout ALL Creation,

 “The greatest privilege and honor of any Son or Daughter of God, in any System of Worlds, is PHYSICAL EMBODIMENT ON PLANET EARTH DURING THIS COSMIC MOMENT.”



 Once permission was given for us to embody on Earth, every person’s I AM Presence was shown what our individual Divine Mission will be in this Holy Endeavor. Our Missions are as diverse as Humanity and they consist of the full gamut of Earthly experiences. The first part of Humanity’s Divine Mission involves those who will be working with the Company of Heaven in myriad ways to assist in Earth’s Ascension process and to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. These Sons and Daughters of God will also be called to hold the sacred space for the Awakening of our Sisters and Brothers whose Mission is far more perilous.

 The second part of Humanity’s Divine Mission involves the Sons and Daughters of God who have the most difficult challenge. These are people who have volunteered to reach into the gross mutations and destructive patterns of pain and suffering which they created previously through the fragmented and fear-based consciousness of their fallen human egos.

 Their Mission will be accomplished by each of them acting out of those same abhorrent patterns and bringing them to the surface to be exposed and Transmuted back into Light. This is the time referred to in the Bible when “All that is hidden must now be revealed.” Because of the chaos and fear this essential purging is destined to create, this difficult time is also referred to as “The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth.”

 The tightrope the people are walking who were chosen for this part of Humanity’s Divine Mission is the challenge of delving into the quagmire of their own miscreations without becoming enmeshed in them and perpetuating their own descent into the horror of the pain and suffering they previously inflicted on themselves and others.

 Many of these people are successfully accomplishing this facet of their Mission. They are then Awakening and lifting into the Light unscathed. Unfortunately, others are becoming enamored with the trappings of greed and power once again. This is preventing them from wanting to change their destructive behavior patterns which is blocking their willingness to let go and to Transmute their gross miscreations back into Light.

 The Company of Heaven is stating clearly that both parts of Humanity’s Divine Mission are essential to the success of this experiment and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th Dimension. One person’s Mission is no more important than another. Remember, in most instances, we have all had hundreds of Lifetimes since we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation, so we have probably all been everything and done everything.

 At this critical time, as we observe the mind boggling negativity that is surfacing in the outer world and the adversity from these negative behavior patterns that is affecting every facet of Life on Earth, the Company of Heaven wants us to remember that YOU and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity have the ability to intervene in powerful and life-transforming ways.

 “Judgment” and a “holier than thou” attitude are totally inappropriate. We have no idea what another person’s Mission is and whether or not they are succeeding. Instead of feeling superior to any of our Sisters and Brothers, we should feel Gratitude for the sacrifices they volunteered to make on Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s behalf. Remember, “There but for the Grace of God go I.” Instead of criticizing and forming negative opinions about other people which only adds to the problem, we can easily become part of the solution by daily invoking the Infinite Power of the Violet Flame on their behalf.

 Due to the miracles that were accomplished during Earth’s Ascension through the Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2020, every single person’s I AM Presence has fully integrated into his or her Earthly Bodies. This aspect of our Divinity now has the ability to communicate much more obviously and directly with our conscious mind. This means that when our I AM Presence invokes the I AM Presence of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity who are embodied on Earth, our invocations are being heard more clearly and the other person’s I AM Presence is able to utilize the Light we are invoking to guide them intuitively in much more tangible ways.

 The Company of Heaven wants to remind us that the reason the massive amount of energy Humanity has misqualified over aeons of time is being allowed to surface at such an accelerated pace during this extraordinary purging process is because millions of people on Earth know about the awesome power of the Violet Flame and its ability to instantly Transmute negativity back into Light.

 If Awakening Humanity will daily invoke the Violet Flame through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the Company of Heaven has been granted permission to amplify our efforts one thousand fold every single day. The Violet Flame is infinitely more powerful than Humanity’s gross miscreation. Through our invocations we have the ability to Transmute unfathomable amounts of the surfacing negativity back into Light in what will be perceived as “the twinkling of an eye.”

 If you have the Heart Call to assist Humanity and Mother Earth in this profound way, please join Lightworkers around the World with your daily invocations. Your I AM Presence will guide you intuitively to invoke the Violet Flame in a way that resonates within your Heart Flame.

 Today, I will share with you an example of my daily invocation to demonstrate how very easy it is to become a dynamic Force of the Violet Flame every single day.

 First, whenever you begin, take a moment to go within and center yourself. Then, take a few deep Conscious Breaths before stating your invocation.

 “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. Together, we invoke the Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns to Transmute back into Light every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief Humanity has ever misqualified in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown.”

 After your invocation, feel the power of that magnificent Violet Fire flowing from your Heart Flame into the Heart Flame of every person’s I AM Presence. KNOW that this influx of the Violet Flame is being amplified by the Company of Heaven moment-by-moment with every Breath you take throughout the day.

 Then, when you wake up the next morning say your invocation again and you will create another powerful wave of the Violet Flame that will be added to the tremendous influx of the Violet Flame that has been bathing the Earth since your invocation the day before.

 Dear One, KNOW that your I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every person is simultaneously flooding the Earth with Divine Love filling the voids where the discord that the Violet Flame has now Transmuted back into Light previously existed.

 The Company of Heaven said that it is difficult for Humanity to fathom how powerful the Violet Flame is, but they want us to know that our daily invocations will assist Humanity and Mother Earth in immeasurable ways as we prepare for our PLANETARY REBOOT.



 The Beings of Light have said that during the unprecedented purging process we are experiencing, Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven will cocreate a PLANETARY REBOOT that will catapult Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into frequencies of Light beyond anything we have ever been able to safely assimilate.

 This unfathomable influx of Light will create the sacred space for a quantum shift within the mass consciousness of Humanity that will positively affect every person, place, condition and thing now manifesting in the world of form.

 This life-transforming shift of consciousness will allow the Awakening masses of Humanity to remember the training each and every one of us has experienced over myriad Lifetimes in preparation for this Cosmic Moment.

 The vehicle that will be used to coordinate this event will be the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination. Every day from October 17-22, we will have a two-hour Live Online presentation with guided meditations and activities of Light from the Company of Heaven. The Beings of Light will guide us step by step through the critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan that will be accomplished that day through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth.

 The REPLAY of each day will be available following the Live event, and will remain available for you to watch On Demand wherever you are on the Planet.

 These presentations will be encoded by the Company of Heaven in the Eternal Moment of NOW. That means that whenever you have the Heart Call to watch these videos your I AM Presence will weave your magnificent Light and Gifts into EARTH’S PLANETARY REBOOT as if you are participating LIVE.

 If you have the Heart Call to assist with this essential PLANETARY REBOOT just click on this link to register.


OCTOBER 17-22, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time

 Please forward this Newsletter to those on your mailing lists and social media connections who you feel would be willing to add their Light to this PLANETARY REBOOT which is an essential facet of Earth’s Ascension process.


God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440


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