We Are Doing A LIVE Internet Broadcast

August 2005

We Are Doing A LIVE Internet Broadcast

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Hi Precious Hearts\,

We are being blessed with an opportunity beyond our greatest expectations. The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth who are selflessly serving Humanity at this time have said that if the Lightworkers around the world will join together in one-pointed consciousness with open hearts and minds during the holy days of August 13-18, 2005, a Critical Mass of Transfiguring Divine Love will be reached on Earth. This miraculous event will raise the vibration of Humanity"s Earthly bodies into a 5th-Dimensional frequency that will allow the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child to burst asunder the paralyzing grip of the human ego.

In order to assist during this unfathomable opportunity of Divine Grace, WorldPuja has contacted us and volunteered to do daily LIVE Internet broadcasts of the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, August 13-18, 2005. The first broadcast on WorldPuja will be a live video of the Opening Ceremonies on Saturday, August 13th at 7:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Each day following the first broadcast there will be an hour-long audio update describing the events that are taking place day by day with the assistance of the Company of Heaven. The Divine Intent of these events is to prepare Humanity for the ultimate success of bursting the bonds of the human ego. The daily interviews involving Patricia Cota-Robles and the various presenters at the World Congress On Illumination will be broadcast at 7:00 p.m. PDT, Sunday-Wednesday, August 14-17. On Thursday, August 18th, the final facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished during the Closing Ceremonies of the World Congress On Illumination. This event will be broadcast on Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. PDT as a LIVE Internet video.

We are all One, and there is no separation. Throughout the entire World Congress On Illumination we will be focused in the Eternal Moment of Now. Consequently, once the live broadcasts are made the programs will be transferred to the archives section on the WorldPuja website. You will be able to go there anytime you like and replay the presentations. Do not worry if you cannot tune in to the live broadcast as it is being presented. Whenever you are able to connect with us during the week through the WorldPuja website will be right and perfect.

In order for us to grasp the full magnitude of this opportunity, we need to understand that this means virtually everyone on the face of the Earth who has access to a computer and the Internet will be able to join hearts with the Lightworkers gathered at the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination in a new and profound way. People all over the world who are unable to attend the World Congress to serve as an instrument of God on behalf of ALL Humanity will now be able to freely participate in the wondrous activities of Light that will take place. These events will be cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth that sacred and holy week, August 13-18, 2005. Please help us, and fulfill your part of the Divine Plan by letting as many people as you can know about this Cosmic Opportunity.

All of my life I have had a recurring vision and a deep inner knowing that there would be a moment in time when one global broadcast would be able to simultaneously awaken the Divinity within the Heart Flames of millions of people all over the world. I used to think the broadcast would be via television, but for some time now I have known it would be over the Internet. In my heart of hearts, I feel that this is the initial impulse of the mass global awakening I have always known would one day occur.

For more details about the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, please click here.

What is WorldPuja?



Puja (pooh" jah) is a Sanskrit word for sacred ritual in honor of the Divine.

WorldPuja signifies honoring the Divine Presence in all peoples.

WorldPuja, a Global Internet Broadcasting Network, was established in 1998 to honor the Divine Presence in all peoples through prayers and vigils of peace. This Global Network was recently gifted to The Yalaha Village Project for the express purpose of expansion of the New Neural Network. It is the intent of WorldPuja and The Yalaha Village Project to partner with many of the leading spiritual pioneers and organizations to support the shifting and shaping of the new emerging world of peace and unity. By providing a platform through a shared vision of Oneness we will have the opportunity to create Heaven on Earth as a unified field of cooperation and love.

"We are honored and excited to bring Patricia Cota-Robles and the World Congress On Illumination live from Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. through The WorldPuja Webcasting Network."

WorldPuja was established with the intent to use the power and global reach of the Internet for the expressed purpose of planetary healing. We offer free global webcasts where people from around the world gather to pray for world peace. These global meditations are broadcast live and are freely accessed in virtually all parts of the world. Combining the ancient power of prayer with the speed and global reach of the Internet allows us to link Humanity in a unique and profound way. We have had people in 83 countries, on all 6 continents gather together online in prayer, transcending religious and cultural differences, coming together in common intent and purpose, one global family.


Be sure to prepare your computer for our Live Internet Broadcast of the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination.

If you have not already downloaded a Real Player program on your computer this is a simple process. Don"t let yourself feel overwhelmed if you are not computer savvy.

Simply click here for the WorldPuja website or click here for The Yalaha Village Project.

At the top of the Home Page on WorldPuja there is a link titled TechHELP. Click on that link, and you will be instructed on how to download the free Real Player program you need to see the live video broadcasts and to listen to the audio broadcasts.

God Bless you, and we look forward to joining our hearts with yours during this amazing facet of the Divine Plan.

August 2005

Transcending Our

Human Egos

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883, Tucson AZ 85717

520-885-7909 -- FAX 520-546-6143

We are standing on the threshold of an event that Humanity has been longing for since we fell from grace and into the throes of chaos and confusion aeons ago. During that fateful time, we lost the awareness of our God Selves and the fact that we are Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. When we were no longer able to perceive our own Divinity, we inadvertently created our fragmented, fear-based human egos. These distorted aspects of our personality have held us in their paralyzing grip and controlled us for lifetimes.

Our human egos have manipulated us by perpetuating the illusion that our physical bodies are all that we are and that the physical plane of Earth is all that exists. These distorted beliefs caused Humanity to develop a poverty consciousness of lack and limitation. This motivated our human egos to obsessively and compulsively fight to gratify our physical senses. Greed, selfishness, war, hatred, fear, crime, corruption, intolerance and every other abuse of power can be traced back to the poverty consciousness of our fear-based human egos.

During the past several years, a massive awakening has been taking place within Humanity. People all over the world are beginning to remember who they are and why they are on Earth during this amazing time. As they awaken, they consecrate their lives to be the Instruments of God they have been trained to be for lifetimes. These Lightworkers are reaching up in consciousness and reconnecting with their own God Presence and the Company of Heaven.

Awakened souls around the world have cocreated various facets of the Divine Plan that have accomplished miracles. Now, for the first time since our fall from grace aeons ago, Humanity is in a position to burst the bonds of the human ego and to love that wayward aspect of our personality into the Light. This will be accomplished through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth over the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 13-18, 2005. During that sacred week, millions of Lightworkers all over the world will listen to their hearts and volunteer to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have assured us that with our unified efforts we will reach a critical mass of Divine Love that will raise the energy, vibration and consciousness of Humanity into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love for one Cosmic Moment.

During that Eternal Moment of Now, the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth will raise the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies into the 5th Dimension. In that instant, every evolving soul will transcend the paralyzing grip of his or her human ego, and the oppressive bonds of lifetimes will be burst asunder.

Then, with the Cosmic Fiat of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—All That Is—Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection will encapsulate every human ego in the invincible forcefield of the Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. This is a Circle of White Lightning that prevents anything that is not of the Light from entering or leaving its embrace.

From that moment on, our human egos that have dominated and manipulated us through fear and poverty consciousness since the fall aeons ago, will no longer have the ability to control our lives.

This miraculous act of Divine Grace will be God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause during that holy week and will filter into the world of effects moment by moment as the I AM Presence of every person gradually takes dominion of his or her Earthly bodies.

It is important for everyone to understand that we will still have free will, and we will still have all of the habits and beliefs recorded in our etheric bodies that our human egos manipulated us into accepting . Consequently, people will have the ability to act out of those obsolete patterns of imperfection until their I AM Presence takes control of their thoughts, words, actions and feelings.

Each person’s transformation will be a unique process that will unfold day by day. For many people the changes will be obvious and instantaneous. For others, they will be more gradual, but steadfast. For a few, the changes will be resisted as they fearfully struggle to hold on to old habits simply because they are familiar. Without our human egos empowering and controlling our behavior patterns, however, people’s efforts to perpetuate chaos or pain and suffering will be greatly diminished.

It is a Cosmic Law that once something is accomplished in the Realms of Cause nothing can prevent it from manifesting in the world of effects. The only variable is how long that will take, and that is up to you and me. The time it takes for these dramatic changes to manifest on Earth will depend on how tenacious you and I and the rest of the Lightworkers are at implementing the guidance from our I AM Presence in our daily lives.

The Beings of Light assure us that the end result of this miraculous event will catapult Humanity forward in the Light and into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of limitless physical perfection by leaps and bounds. Without the deliberate interference and fear-based manipulation of our human egos, the guidance of our I AM Presence will resound in our hearts and minds as a Voice of Divine Truth and Inner Knowing.

Knowledge is power, and the more we understand the specifics of this unprecedented opportunity, the more effective we will be in bringing it into physical manifestation. Each of us has been preparing for a very, very long time to fulfill our particular facet of this Divine Plan. The I AM Presence of every evolving soul on this planet, whether they are in or out of embodiment at this time, will be joining with the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth and participating in this wondrous event. Those of us who are consciously aware of the miracle that will be taking place during the week of August 13-18, 2005, have a greater responsibility to listen to our hearts and respond to our inner guidance. There are several ways in which we can weave the wonder of our glorious Light into the Chalice of Light that will create the open portal through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan.

Lightworkers will be gathering to form a mighty transformer of Light within the Portal of Light through which the Flame of Healing Through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love enters the Earth. This portal is in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The vehicle that is being used for this gathering is the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, August 13-18, 2005.

Lightworkers from all over the world are responding to their Heart’s Call and coming to this gathering to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Their unified Heart Flames will create the mighty transformer that will magnetize the initial impulse of Light from the Heart of God in the Core of Creation to empower Humanity to reach a critical mass of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Light of God flowing through this portal will begin the process of lifting Humanity into a frequency of the 5th Dimension that will transcend the human ego.

If you are feeling the Heart Call to participate in this facet of the Divine Plan, there is still space available, and your selfless service to the Light will be greatly appreciated by the God Selves of Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

In addition to this particular facet of the Divine Plan, Lightworkers all over the world will be joining in consciousness with the Lightworkers in Tucson and serving as Instruments of God in various other ways.

First the Light of God will pour through the portal in Tucson. Then the Lightworkers gathered there will project the Light through their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth, and anchor it in the Heart Flame of Beloved Mother Earth. This activity of Light will build in momentum day by day through sacred ceremonies, meditations, music, dance, prayer, affirmations, decrees and other buoyant, joyous expressions of Light.

Once the Light is assimilated into Mother Earth’s Heart Flame, she will breathe it out through her Crystal Grid System, the acupuncture meridians within the Earth. As the Light of Transfiguring Divine Love blazes through the crust of the Earth, it will be magnetized into the Heart Flames of Lightworkers all over the world who are joining in consciousness from their specific locations. These Lightworkers will be serving as acupuncture needles to anchor the Light along the Earth’s meridians.

The Lightworkers from all over the world who will be joining in consciousness with the Lightworkers in Tucson will be participating individually and in groups. Some will be joining from the solitude of their homes in silent meditation, others from sacred sites they have been guided to or from familiar gathering places where they will weave their Light into our Chalice through the various means directed by their God Presence.

The Beings of Light have asked us to make the information about the unfolding Divine Plan and the opportunities in August available through every possible means. It is important that as many Lightworkers as possible be aware, on a conscious level, of what is taking place during that Cosmic Moment. Each one will then be able to respond to the clarion call from his or her God Presence and participate in this global event according to his or her inner guidance. Any assistance you can give us in spreading the word will be greatly appreciated.

Remember, WE ARE ALL ONE, and there is no separation. As you participate in this sacred week, be in the Eternal Moment of NOW. Know that no matter when you join with us in consciousness, your I AM Presence will weave your energies into the Divine Plan perfectly.

As the World Congress On Illumination unfolds each day, the Beings of Light guide us step by step through the various facets of the Divine Plan. For that reason, we don"t have a lot of information about the specific Divine Ceremonies in advance. I encourage those of you who are tuning in with us from a distance to listen to your heart, and KNOW that you too will be guided through each day by your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.

The momentum of Light will build from the opening ceremonies on August 13th through the closing ceremonies on August 18th. Your intention is what matters. Know that if you and your group intend to be the most powerful force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will be.

Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and this precious planet. Your Light and Love are needed and gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her. I truly appreciate you and the Light you are adding to the world. God Bless You!

If you are feeling the heart call to be an Instrument of God and to serve as a surrogate on behalf of Humanity at the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination for this unprecedented facet of the Divine Plan, please trust your inner guidance and respond. You have been preparing for aeons of time for this Cosmic Moment.

Once you set the Divine Intention to serve as a surrogate on behalf of Humanity and all Life during this unique opportunity, the floodgates of Heaven will open in support of your endeavors. Your God Self will pave the way, and doors will open for you that you have not been able to imagine in the past.

For detailed information on how you can participate in the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, please click here or contact us by phone, E-mail, fax or mail.


E-mail: Eraofpeace@aol.com

Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-749-6643

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883\,

Tucson, Arizona 85717



August 2005

It Is Time To BE Who You Are

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose

PO Box 41883, Tucson AZ 85717

520-885-7909 -- FAX 520-546-6143

During this vitally important and extremely confusing time on Earth the Divinity within our Heart Flames is striving for recognition. This aspect of our true God Reality is working tenaciously to help each of us remember that we are not the fragmented, fear-based personality we call the human ego. We are beloved and empowered Children of God. In Truth, ALL that our Father-Mother God has is ours. All we have to do to reclaim that Divine Birthright is to accept and BE who we really are.

This year, 2005, is providing Humanity with an unprecedented opportunity to, once and for all, Love our human egos into the Light. This miraculous event will pave the way for our I AM Presence to take full dominion of our Earthly bodies and our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. With the Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence, our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies will be lifted into the limitless physical perfection of our 5th-Dimensional Solar Light Bodies.

When the magnitude of the unfolding Divine Plan registers in our conscious minds it often seems overwhelming or appears too good to be true, but that is an illusion. That misperception is a result of the interference of our human egos and their fear-based desire to maintain control of our lives.

In reality, we are powerful beyond our knowing. With the assistance of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—All That Is—and the entire Company of Heaven, we are victoriously cocreating our individual and collective transformations. With the unparalleled Divine Intervention being given to Humanity at this time, even the most amazing, life-transforming accomplishment we could possibly imagine would be just scratching the surface of our full Divine Potential.

Now is the time to put doubt and fear aside. Trust yourself, and listen to your heart. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

A two-phase Activity of Light is being orchestrated for this year by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth and the God Selves of every evolving soul on Earth. This facet of the Divine Plan is designed to burst the bonds and the paralyzing grip of our human egos and to clear the way for our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Solar Light Bodies of our I AM Presence.

This event will involve every evolving soul on Earth. Millions of Lightworkers will be participating on a conscious level, and the rest of Humanity will be joining us at Inner Levels through their mighty I AM Presence. The way we each choose to fulfill our particular part of this Divine Plan will be a sacred and personal decision. Listen to the inner promptings of your heart and respond according to your inner guidance. Know that however your I AM Presence guides you to weave your magnificent gifts into our collective Chalice of Light will be right and perfect.

Some of you will be guided to physically attend the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination which will be held August 13-18, in Tucson, Arizona. There you will serve as a surrogate on behalf of all Humanity. During that event, the Light of Transfiguring Divine Love will pour through your Heart Flame into the Heart Flames of every man, woman and child on Earth. Together, with the assistance of the Company of Heaven, Humanity will reach a critical mass of Divine Love that will instantaneously burst asunder the oppressive grip of our human egos.

In that instant, Beloved Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection will encapsulate every human ego in an invincible Forcefield of the Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. Every person’s I AM Presence will then breathe this Forcefield of Light containing the human ego into Its Heart Flame. There every human ego will be bathed with the Violet Flame and embraced in God’s Transfiguring Divine Love until it is willing to permanently surrender into the Light.

This healing process will build in momentum for ELEVEN weeks. Then the second phase of the Divine Plan will be implemented. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. At the conclusion of the eleven weeks, we will take a Sacred Pilgrimage to Bali. This facet of the Divine Plan will take place November 6-16, 2005, during the week of 11:11. Some of you will be guided to physically join us on this holy adventure.

Beloved Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel have been preparing Humanity throughout this year for the opening of the Portal of the Flame of The Immaculate Concept on the sacred island of Bali. Once again, those in attendance will serve as instruments of God and surrogates on behalf of all Humanity for this Divine Mission.

Once the I AM Presence is in charge of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies the Flame of the Immaculate Concept will reactivate the blueprints for our unmanifest Divine Potential. These patterns of perfection were encoded within our RNA/DNA structures when we were first breathed forth from the Heart of God. Unfortunately, we have been unable to tap into our full potential since the fall aeons ago when we became entrapped in the grip of our fragmented human egos. The victorious accomplishment of this facet of the Divine Plan will catapult Humanity forward in the Light and greatly accelerate our ability to create the lives of love, joy, peace, happiness and abundance we are destined to experience.

During these two powerful Activities of Light, the people who do not feel the heart call to be physically present will assist in other ways. Some will feel guided to have their own gatherings during these events and to link with us in consciousness. Others will feel drawn to various sacred sites around the world to unite with us from those locations. Still others will join us from their sacred spaces in the privacy of their own homes.

The most important thing is for each of us to truly listen to our Inner Guidance. Then we must respond according to what we know, at a heart level, to be our particular part of the plan. Our Light and Love are needed NOW. We have all been preparing for aeons of time to assist with this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan. Through our unified efforts, our Victory is assured.

I want to thank you for all of your loving support in whatever way you feel inspired to participate. Know that we are One, and there is no separation.

As the World Congress On Illumination and the Sacred Pilgrimage to Bali unfold each day, the Beings of Light will guide us step by step through the various facets of the unfolding Divine Plan. For that reason, we don"t have a lot of information about the specific Divine Ceremonies that will take place in advance. I encourage those of you who will be tuning in with us from a distance to listen to your heart and KNOW that you too will be guided through each day by your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.

Be in the Eternal Moment of Now throughout both Activities of Light, and whenever you are able to join in consciousness with us will be right and perfect.

The momentum of Light will build from the opening ceremonies through the closing ceremonies of each event. Your intention is what matters. Know that if you intend to be the most powerful force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will be.

Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and this precious planet. Your Light and Love are needed and gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her. I truly appreciate you and the Light you are adding to the world. God Bless You.

If you would like detailed information on how you can attend the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination or the Sacred Pilgrimage to Bali, please click on links below.

You may also contact us through any means listed below for additional information.

New Age Study of Humanity"s Purpose, Inc.

PO Box 41883

Tucson, Arizona 85717

E-mail: Eraofpeace@aol.com;

FAX: 520-886-4897;

Phone: 520-885-7909

For detailed information on how you can participate in the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, please click here.

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