
2024 – December 24TH
The Next Step
Patricia Cota-Robles
Vlog 51

Today is December 24, 2024, and billions of people around the World are celebrating the Birth of Jesus. As a result of the God Victorious 40-Day purging process that has just been completed, the Etheric Realm surrounding the Earth is far more rarified. This has cleared the way for new levels of clarity and comprehension from the Realms of Illumined Truth to register in the Hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity through the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth.

Through the Heart-based Collective Cup of Consciousness formed by Humanity’s focus on the Birth of Jesus, the Light of God is now flowing into every Heart Flame and amplifying the conscious awareness of the Love Nature of our Father-Mother God and the Path of Divine Love that Jesus embodied on Earth to reveal to Humanity.

No one knows the actual birthday of Jesus, however, the day that was selected was Divinely Guided to signify the magnitude of Jesus’ Mission. On the December Solstice every year the Sun appears to reach its furthest point to the South in Earth’s annual orbit. In the Northern Hemisphere this results as the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Following the Solstice, for three days the Sun rises at the same time which makes it appear as though the Sun is standing still. On December 25th the Sun rises a little earlier making the day a little longer, thus symbolically heralding THE RETURN OF LIGHT TO THE PLANET.

Please ask your I AM Presence and our Father-Mother God to take full dominion of your Conscious awareness so that you can set aside any preconceived ideas that might prevent you from comprehending the importance of this information. This is sacred knowledge that you know multidimensionally through the higher Consciousness of your I AM Presence. However, the Company of Heaven said it will greatly accelerate your understanding about what is occurring on Earth at this time if you know this Truth on a Conscious level. 

At the inception of the Piscean Age over 2,000 years ago our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven evaluated Humanity’s progress in reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace. It was clear that the growth we had attained during the previous Age was practically nonexistent. Our egos were still misleading us by perpetuating the myth that our physical body is all that we are and that the physical plane is all that exists. The few who were beginning to remember that we are Children of God mistakenly accepted our ego’s distorted perception that we have just one parent which is our Masculine Father God. At that time, we were oblivious of the fact that we also have a Feminine Mother God.

It was clear to the Beings of Light evaluating Humanity’s progress that even though the masculine Avatars of the past Ages had indeed demonstrated to Humanity the Path of Divine Love, the fact that they were all male perpetuated the belief that God is only masculine. The Beings of Light knew that if Humanity was going to make it through the Shift of the Ages, which was looming in the not-too-distant future, we had to remember that we have a Father AND a Mother God. Only then would we know how imperative it is for Humanity to open our Heart Chakras once again and to invoke the return of our Mother God and her Comprehensive Divine Love.

Knowing the urgent need of the hour, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven devised a plan in cooperation with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. That plan set into motion events they hoped would inspire Humanity to open the door for the return of our Mother God and initiate our return to our full Divine Potential as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God.

To initiate this Divine Plan a Beloved Son and Daughter of God who had been preparing for this possible service to Humanity for aeons of time were summoned from the Great, Great Silence by our Father-Mother God. This time there would not be one masculine Avatar but rather a male and a female Avatar who would model to Humanity the perfect balance of the Masculine and the Feminine Aspects of our Father-Mother God, which originally pulsated within the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame.

These precious Beings are Twin Flames who selflessly volunteered to embody on Earth through the natural process of Birth in order to anchor the Divine Matrix and the archetypes for the return of our Mother God and the Path of Divine Love that would enable Humanity to reclaim our Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God. These Avatars of the Piscean Age are the Ones we have known as Jesus The Christ and Mary Magdalene.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene knew that because of Humanity’s ingrained belief in the patriarchal authority of a single Father God, Mary’s role would initially be as a silent partner. Her part of the Divine Plan was cloaked in secrecy to prevent the plan from being blocked through the abuse of power being wielded by Humanity’s fallen human egos at the time. Jesus and Mary Magdalene were husband and wife. They served as equal partners in this facet of the Divine Plan. Through their unified efforts they God Victoriously accomplished the Immaculate Concept of their Divine Mission.

During what is referred to as “the lost 18 years,” Jesus and Mary Magdalene studied in the Mystery Schools of India, Tibet, and Egypt. When it was time to begin their mission of anchoring the Divine Matrix and the archetypes for the return of our Mother God, Jesus and Mary Magdalene demonstrated the imperative first step for all the World to see.

At the age of 30, after completing their lessons in the Mystery Schools, Jesus and Mary Magdalene traveled to the banks of the Jordan River where they Consecrated their Life Force to serve as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. Water represents the Emotional Strata of the Earth as well as Humanity’s Heart Centered Emotional Bodies. Jesus immersed himself in the sacred waters of the Jordan River and participated in a Divine Ceremony conducted by John the Baptist. During that ceremony, Jesus opened his Heart Chakra to full breadth and invoked through his Heart Flame the return of our Mother God on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

When John the Baptist Baptized Jesus in the sacred water element, our Mother God projected her Love through Jesus’ Crown Chakra. As the Dove of the Holy Spirit entered Jesus’ Crown Chakra and activated his spiritual brain centers, he Awakened to his full Divine Potential as Jesus the Christ. This permanently anchored into the physical plane of Earth the Divine Matrix and the archetypes for the return of our Mother God.

We have probably all seen pictures of Jesus standing in the Jordan River with our Mother God, the Dove of the Holy Spirit, descending into his Crown Chakra. When Jesus’ Baptism was complete, Mary Magdalene experienced the same anointing through her Baptism by the Holy Spirit. At that moment they both became the Christ Conscious Children of God grown to full stature. With that anointing their mission of modeling Humanity’s Divine Potential as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God began in earnest.  They were now officially the Avatars of the Piscean Age.

For the next three years, Jesus and Mary Magdalene modeled to the World the Path of Oneness and Divine Love that each of us must follow in order to return to Christ Consciousness.  They were very aware of how Humanity’s egos had distorted the message of the Avatars in past Ages and they worked continuously to prevent that from happening this time.

They affirmed through their teachings that the Path of Divine Love is a path we must all follow in order to return to Christ Consciousness and that no one can do this for us. In spite of all of the miracles Jesus demonstrated as “the Christ” he reiterated over and over, “These things I do you shall do and even greater things than these shall you do.”

Jesus taught that “the Christ” within him is the same as “the Christ” within each of us, and that “the Christ” within each of us is “the only begotten Son or Daughter of God.”

Jesus also said, “Is it not written in your Law, I said, ‘YE ARE GODS’? YE ARE GODS, and all of you are Children of the Most High.”

For three years Jesus and Mary Magdalene clearly demonstrated what being “the Christ” and Christ Consciousness is by modeling the Path of Divine Love. They accomplished this through their dedication to each other and their Reverence for ALL Life. Only by following the Path of Divine Love and Returning to Christ Consciousness, which is our full Divine Potential as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God, can we complete the Divine Mission we have volunteered to accomplish in this Lifetime. As we all know within the deepest recesses of our Heart Flames, our Mission is to Love Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her FREE as we Cocreate the Immaculate Concept of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.

Knowing this we now affirm:

I AM Returning to Christ Consciousness

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I invoke for myself I invoke on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

On the Holy Breath, I now Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically through my Heart Chakra. With every Inbreath, I align with the Comprehensive Divine Love of my Mother God and the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit.

With every Outbreath, my Mother God opens my Heart Chakra to new breadths and projects her Divine Love into the physical plane of Earth.

As the full Divine Potential of my Mother God’s Pink Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love pulsates through my Heart Chakra, it is brought into perfect balance with my Father God’s Blue Flame of Power within my Heart Flame.

Now that the portal through which my Mother God’s Divine Love flows is open to full breadth, the Blue Flame of my Father God’s Power and the Pink Flame of my Mother God’s Love are perfectly balanced within the Divinity of my Heart.

These two aspects of my Father-Mother God now merge into the magnificent 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This Violet Flame will be the predominant frequency of Light bathing the Earth during the 2,000-year cycle of the Age of Aquarius which we have now entered. This Sacred Fire now blazes up from my Heart Chakra and expands into my physical brain structure activating my pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic center at the base of my brain.

This activation of my spiritual brain centers creates the sacred space for the opening of my Crown Chakra. As this occurs, a greatly intensified frequency of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness, which represents the Sons and Daughters of God, begins flowing from my I AM Presence into my pineal gland. This intensified Yellow-Gold Flame is anchored within my Heart Flame, thus bringing into perfect balance my Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame: the Blue Flame of my Father God’s Power, the Pink Flame of my Mother God’s Divine Love and the Yellow-Gold Flame of the Son and Daughter of God’s Enlightenment through Christ Consciousness.

With this influx of Light, the Enlightenment of Christ Consciousness now flows through my Crown Chakra. As I return to Christ Consciousness my Heart Flame is recalibrated to higher frequencies of Oneness and Reverence for Life than I have previously experienced.

In this Enlightened state of Christ Consciousness, I AM able to easily communicate with my I AM Presence, my Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven through the natural process of Intuitive heart-and-mind telepathic communication.

I realize now, as never before, that Christ Consciousness is my Divine Birthright as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God. Through this level of Consciousness, I AM One with my Father-Mother God and every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation. As I live, move, Breathe and have my Being within the elevated state of Christ Consciousness, I realize that all that my Father-Mother God have is mine. I now KNOW that the Path of Divine Love is the Way, the Truth and the Life for every Son and Daughter of God.

With the God Victorious return of my Mother God, and my return to Christ Consciousness, I now have the ability to assimilate the entire nature of my Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love into my Heart Flame with every Inbreath. This allows me to Ascend toward the Supreme Source of all Life with every Inbreath I take. And on every Outbreath, I have the ability to expand the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth into the world of form, greatly enhancing my ability to Cocreate Heaven on Earth.

As I continue to Breathe my Holy Breath moment by moment, I experience the bliss of knowing that we are One, and that LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Dear One, have a Glorious Christmas. You are being empowered by your I AM Presence in ways beyond your Conscious awareness, so listen to your Heart and pay attention. In the Dawning New Year 2025, in collaboration with the Company of Heaven, Awakening Humanity will Cocreate “The Year of Unique Awakening and Manifestation.

God Bless you Precious Heart. I look forward to being with you next week.


Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
 PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
 Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440 


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