2023 – September 12th       
by Patricia Cota-Robles
Vlog 339


Hi Precious Heart,

Thank you for joining us for our Weekly Vlog. The Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation has been building in momentum since it was anchored within the Heart of Mother Earth through the Portal in Tucson, Arizona, in 1983. At that time our Beloved Father-Mother God said this Sacred Fire is a 5th-Dimensional Frequency of Healing and it is the most powerful frequency of Healing Humanity is capable of withstanding in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional carbon-based bodies.

 For FOUR DECADES this Healing Flame has been gently assisting the I AM Presence of every person with the Divine Alchemy that is gradually Transfiguring our carbon-based Earthly Bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Light Bodies. Now that Mother Earth has Ascended into the initial frequencies of her New SOLAR Reality this Sacred Emerald Green and Violet Flame has also Ascended into a brand-New SOLAR Frequency of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. 

 Today, the Legions of Healing throughout Infinity will join with us in an Activity of Light that will allow our I AM Presences to utilize this Sacred Fire for our individual and collective Healing. This will be accomplished the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow in alignment with our Divine Plans and God’s Divine Will.

 If you have the Heart Call to participate, please join us now. And we begin.


This Healing Activity is stated in the 1st person so that every person’s I AM Presence will deliberately participate on a conscious level.

 I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my spine as straight as possible and my arms and legs uncrossed making me an open conduit for this Activity of Healing Light. My I AM Presence, my Silent Watcher and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental now take command of my Earthly Bodies and this powerful Healing process.

 I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. The Healing I AM invoking for myself this day, I AM also invoking on behalf of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and Mother Earth. This Activity of Healing is being God Victoriously accomplished through each person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

 With every Inbreath I take, my Father-Mother God now Breathe into my Breath from the very Core of Creation, brand new SOLAR frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. With my every Outbreath this Sacred Emerald Green and Violet Flame flows through the mighty Transformer, formed by the Unified Heart Flames of the Lightworkers gathered here into the Center of the Earth where it is secured in the newly Ascended Solar Heart Flame of Mother Earth.

 Once Mother Earth assimilates this Sacred Fire of Solar Healing, she joyously Breathes it out through her 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Grid System of Comprehensive Divine Love. This exquisite Healing Light Blesses ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. In deep Gratitude, every particle and wave of Life on this Planet begins to experience with wonder and awe this brand-new SOLAR frequency of Healing.

 I continue focusing on my Holy Breath and I clearly see that with every Breath I AM magnetizing into my Heart Flame and projecting into the Heart Flame of Mother Earth higher and higher SOLAR frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation. Every person’s I AM Presence is now standing in readiness to participate in the maximum Healing that Cosmic Law will allow within our Earthly Bodies.

 Under the guidance of my I AM Presence, my Silent Watcher and my 5th-Dimemsional Body Elemental the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing begins to permeate every facet of my Earthly Bodies. This Sacred Fire penetrates into the Core of Purity in every Electron of my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies in preparation for the life-transforming Divine Healing that will now take place in these vehicles.


With deep concentration, I visualize the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Solar Healing as my I AM Presence, my Silent Watcher and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental now COMMAND this Sacred Fire to Heal, Cleanse, Rejuvenate, Restore, Renew, Resurrect and Transfigure the various systems in my Body Temple.


  1. 1. My Healing process begins as the Emerald Green and Violet Flame expands through my physical brain structure, my spinal cord, my nervous system, my Chakra system, and my corresponding meridians and acupuncture points. This Healing Flame instantaneously removes every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind in these systems. As this occurs, my conscious awareness is rising to a higher level. This is increasing my ability to think, to comprehend and to use my Creative Faculties of Thought to Cocreate the infinite perfection of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.


  1. Next the Healing Flame flows into my eyes—instantaneously removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. This Healing Flame is restoring my eyes to perfect sight, allowing me to “see with new eyes” and to recognize Truth and Perfection in all Life.


  1. The Emerald Green and Violet Flame now flows into my ears instantaneously removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. My ears are restored to perfect hearing, allowing me to “hear with new ears” the intuitive Inner Voice of my I AM Presence and the Music of the Spheres.


  1. This Healing Flame now flows into my nostrils, sinuses, respiratory system, lungs, larynx, vocal cords, trachea, bronchial tubes and every function of my voice and Breathing apparatus. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed. My Breathing is enhanced, and I AM able to Breathe the maximum frequency of God’s Prana and Life Force with every single newly balanced and elevated Holy Breath I take. I AM now Blessed with the Breath of the Holy Spirit, and I AM empowered to speak with “the tongues of Angels.”


  1. Next the Emerald Green and Violet Flame flows into my mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestines, ileocecal valve, large intestines, appendix, colon, kidneys, bladder, and every aspect of my digestive and elimination systems. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed. The Healing Flame is restoring all of these aspects of my digestive and elimination systems to vibrant health, thus allowing me to purify my body and to assimilate my food and beverages perfectly.


  1. Now the Healing Flame flows into my Spiritual Brain Centers: my pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic centers at the base of my brain. The Emerald Green and Violet Flame now flows into the remainder of my endocrine system: my thyroid, thymus, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, gonads, and all of the other glands associated with this ductless system. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed, and all of these aspects of my endocrine system are restored to perfect balance and function.


  1. The Healing Flame now flows through the various facets of my circulatory system. First, it flows through my lymph nodes and lymphatic fluid, then into the muscle of my Heart and through the chambers, valves, veins, arteries, and capillaries. The Emerald Green and Violet Flame now flows through my red and white blood cells and my bone marrow. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed from my circulatory system. This is increasing my ability to feel and to use my Creative Faculties of Feeling in Heart-based ways that express Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for all Life.


  1. Now the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing flows into my reproductive system: my female or male organs. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my reproductive system to its perfect function for this stage of my life. This allows me to hold the sacred space either for myself or for anyone else who is destined to bring in the Children of the New Earth. This Healing Flame is Creating a Chalice of Light in every Mother and Father, a Holy Grail, through which these precious Children will be born. The TRANSFIGURED reproductive systems in every parent will enable the I AM Presence of the incoming Children to Create perfect vehicles through which they will assist in Cocreating the Solar New Earth.


  1. Next the Healing Flame flows into my skeletal and my muscular systems: my bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fat cells and connective tissue. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed. The Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing restores every aspect of these systems, empowering me with strength, vitality, and Eternal Youth.


  1. Now, this Healing Flame flows through my skin, hair, nails, and every remaining facet of my physical body. Instantaneously, every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind is removed. As the Healing Flame purges every remaining trace of contamination or disease in my Earthly Bodies, my I AM Presence is able to greatly accelerate my Transfiguration into the Immaculate Concept of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Radiant Beauty and Infinite Perfection


  1. Now, with the new SOLAR Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation pulsating in every Electron of my Earthly Bodies and the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, I ask my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light associated with this Sacred Fire to blaze it through the entire Elemental Kingdom and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth.


I KNOW and ACCEPT that this Healing activity of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame is being God Victoriously accomplished with every Breath I take. The Divine SOLAR TEMPLATES for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have now been formed and will be amplified every single day with every Breath I take by my Father-Mother God through Mother Earth’s 5D Crystalline Solar Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love. For this, I AM Eternally Grateful.


And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.


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