
2025 – February 18th  



The Next Step


Patricia Cota-Robles



Vlog 59




At this time, we are moving through uncharted waters. Due to the urgency of the hour Humanity en masse is being given the opportunity to experience a Unique Awakening. This Awakening is designed to help each and every one of us burst any remaining bonds that our fallen human ego might still be using to manipulate or control us.


This fallen aspect of our personality is desperately doing everything it can to prevent us from listening to the intuitive Inner Guidance of our I AM Presence. Our human ego knows that when our I AM Presence reclaims full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs the ego will no longer be able to manipulate or control us in any way.


According to the Company of Heaven, whether we are Consciously aware of it or not, this Unique Awakening is something we have all been preparing for lifetimes to accomplish during this Cosmic Moment. The Unique Awakening every person’s I AM Presence is NOW striving to Cocreate with the Company of Heaven is manifesting in the outer-world as a Quantum Shift within the Consciousness of every Awakening person. According to the Beings of Light this shift is affecting Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Twelve Strands of DNA in very positive ways.  


Over the past few years new Solar Light Codes have been activating within Humanity’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA multidimensional patterns of perfection that we have been preparing to tangibly Cocreate on the New Earth. This activation within our 5th-Dimensional DNA has cleared the way for the Company of Heaven to assist us in previously unknown ways. This new Divine Intervention is designed to help Humanity transcend the limitations we experienced when we were trapped in the paralyzing grip of our fallen human egos.


The original 12 Strands of Humanity’s DNA short circuited into the fragmented double-helix DNA with which we are now familiar. This fragmentation of our DNA occurred aeons ago when we fell into the abyss of separation and duality and lost the awareness of our I AM Presence. During that fateful time, our Crown Chakra of Enlightenment closed. This caused us to lose Christ Consciousness which is the Enlightened state of Consciousness our Father-Mother God invested us with when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation.


The Divine Purpose of our 12 Strands of DNA was to keep the Sons and Daughters of God Consciously connected to our I AM Presence and the Realms of Illumined Truth during our Earthly sojourns. Originally, our 12 Strands of DNA functioned like a very elaborate fiber-optic communication system. This system allowed us to easily communicate intuitively with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven. When our Crown Chakra closed and we lost awareness of our I AM Presence, that is when we developed our fragmented and fear-based human ego.


That distorted aspect of our fallen Consciousness descended into such chaotic frequencies of discord that our 12 Strands of DNA short circuited into the double-helix DNA that science is now researching. Our fragmented and fear-based human ego came to the erroneous conclusion that the Earth is an inanimate object to use and abuse as we see fit. It also concluded that our human ego’s purpose and reason for being was to gratify our physical senses. To this very day we can easily perceive that self-obsessed level of asleep Consciousness within Humanity.


Even with all that our scientists have discovered about our DNA and the genome in the double-helix DNA they have access to, some still profess that 98% of our DNA is “junk DNA.” Of course, there is no such thing as “junk DNA”, there is only DNA that our scientists have not been able to identify or categorize with their current methods.


For decades scientists believed that our DNA was stagnant and fixed in a particular pattern. Now we know that our DNA is a shimmering waveform configuration that is being modified by a greatly amplified influx of our Father-Mother God’s Light. Our DNA is also being modified by waves of solar radiation, magnetic fields and sonic impulses, as well as thought forms and emotions that are associated with the shifts of energy, vibration and Consciousness taking place within the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity.


The Company of Heaven is revealing that through the new 5th-Dimensional Twelve Strand DNA activation and the Unique Awakening that is taking place at this time, Humanity en masse is reaching a critical frequency of vibration that is Creating an unstoppable shift of Awakening Consciousness. This is occurring within even the most recalcitrant or asleep Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth.  


This shift is not occurring outside of us. This is a very cellular-based Transfiguration that is now occurring within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies. 


This week we are being asked by our Father-Mother God to contemplate the magnitude of the opportunities being presented to each of us by our I AM Presence to actually be the Hands of God on Earth for this essential facet of Earth’s Ascension process. Every day go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame. In a state of Listening Grace, allow your I AM Presence to support and encourage you during this wondrous and simultaneously confusing time. Here is an affirmation that may help you to stay focused on your facet of this Divine Mission.




I AM the Hands of God. I have come to set right the vibratory action of all energy and substance in my world and in all of the World.


I AM the sacred Hands of God, moving through this Earth. I AM instantly reestablishing Divinity wherever the Light of God is applied.


I invite, invoke, focus, concentrate, manifest and sustain the Light of God on Earth with every Breath I take.


I AM a director of God’s Light. I AM humble before its magnificent Presence.

 I AM Grateful to unleash God’s Power on Earth.


I AM the Light of God flowing through my Heart Flame Loving all Life FREE!


And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.


Dear One, stay centered in your Heart Flame and focus on the wonders being revealed to you through your intuitive Inner Knowing. This is our NEW BEGINNING!


God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week



           Patricia Cota-Robles


Era of Peace

PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446

Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440



©2025 Patricia Cota-Robles - This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.


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