Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love COASTER
This is a beautiful absorbent stone coaster with a cork backing.
To assist with the Divine Alchemy that is taking place within our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies, the Company of Heaven has inspired us to produce a beautiful stone coaster with the image of our Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love on it. Lightworkers around the World have been cocreating this multidimensional forcefield of Light for over 50 years. This Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love now envelopes the entire Planet Earth.
The Divine Intent of the stone coaster is to help each of us raise our Earthly Bodies into higher frequencies of Vibrant Health and Eternal Youth. Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light have told us that through the image of the Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love on each coaster they are encoding the progressively accelerating frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light associated with the New Earth.
Our God Parents said that when we set our beverage or our dinner plate on the coaster the NEW frequencies of Light infused in our Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love will purify and raise the vibration of our food and drinks. This will assist our I AM Presence to accelerate the Transfiguration of our Earthly Bodies from 3rd-Dimensional carbon-based cells into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light cells.