Newsletter English

Patricia Cota-Robles


The collaboration between every one of us and the Company of Heaven is now occurring in ways that our Father-Mother God revealed have never been attempted in any system of Worlds. It is impossible for us to fully comprehend just what that means. However, during this challenging stage of our Ascension process we are being told from On High that this collaboration is vital. 


Recently the Beings of Light reminded us that we are here, individually and collectively, to accomplish a critical facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan. Each of us volunteered for this Mission and we have been preparing for Lifetimes. Consequently, we already have everything we need pulsating within the Divinity of our Heart Flame to succeed God Victoriously. We are each in our right and perfect place and whatever is occurring in our life, right here and right now, is providing the perfect opportunity for us to be the Peace Commanding Presence of our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. Our responsibility is to stay focused on the Light and to utilize whatever assistance we are given from the Realms of Light that will help to keep our frequency of vibration above the chaos.


If we Breathe Consciously knowing that with every Inbreath we are connecting with our Father-Mother God the Source of ALL That Is, and with every Outbreath we are flooding the Earth and all her Life with the Infinite Light of God, that deliberate focus of attention will help us to Transcend the surfacing chaos in the outer world.


Everything seems to be getting more chaotic in the outer world at this time because Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her have experienced an Epic Quantum Shift in frequency since the beginning of 2022. The Company of Heaven said this Shift has not only increased the Light of God flowing in, through and around all Life on Earth, it has affected the whole of Creation in very positive ways. When the Light of God increases on Earth it pushes everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface to be Transmuted back into its original perfection. That is an essential part of Earth’s Ascension process.


We are One with all Life and there is no separation. We must Transmute Humanity’s surfacing miscreations back into Light in order for any of us to complete our Ascension onto the New Earth. The Beings of Light are well aware that from our perspective outer appearances make it look as though, “if anything can go wrong, it is going wrong.”  We are being assured that this is a false impression and nothing could be farther from the Truth.


The negativity surfacing at this time reflects everything that conflicts with the Heart-based patterns of Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for all Life. When we observe the painful things manifesting around the World it is easy to identify the fear-based consciousness that is exacerbating people’s negative behavior. There are those with dark agendas who are doing everything they can to maintain the status quo and their illicit power, but their efforts are destined to fail. The Light of God is Infinitely more powerful than the fragmented efforts of people’s fear-based human egos.


The Company of Heaven is reminding us that we were all well aware of what Earth would be like during this facet of our Ascension process. We volunteered to be here in spite of the adversity we would face or the sacrifices we might have to make. We made this Heartfelt commitment, not because we are masochists, but because we were shown the wonders of the New Earth. We clearly saw that through our service to the Light we would successfully Awaken Humanity and Cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth on behalf of Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth herself. We each determined that no matter how difficult the Transfiguration from the old Earth to the New Earth was going to be, IT WOULD BE WORTH IT! Mercifully, we were more than willing to add our Light to this facet of Earth’s Glorious Divine Plan in spite of the potential challenges.


So here we are. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us through our challenges in ways that have never before been attempted. All we have to do is ask. They will not fulfill our Missions for us, but they will assist us the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.


The benefit of everything we do to take care of ourselves and our Earthly Bodies during this vitally important time will be amplified by the Company of Heaven. Our Self Care is not a luxury. It is a vitally important part of helping us to raise our frequency of vibration so we can Transcend the chaos.


God needs a body. In order for the Light of God to be physically anchored on Earth it must be Breathed through the Divinity within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth. The higher our frequency of vibration, the more Light we can add to the World. So pay attention to the intuitive inner guidance of your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.


For instance, are you Breathing Consciously? Are you being inspired to improve your eating and drinking habits? Are you feeling motivated to meditate, listen to beautiful music, spend more time in nature, exercise, relax, rest, get more sleep or spend more time with your Loved Ones? If so, now is the time to do it.


We are all unique and there are myriad things manifesting on the screen of Life that are being inspired by the Company of Heaven and the Elemental Kingdom. Nothing is happening by accident, so pay attention to the things that are being brought into your sphere of awareness. See if they resonate in your Heart. Then ask your I AM Presence if they will enhance your ability to not only survive, but to thrive during this vitally important time.


Assistance from the Mighty Elohim and the Elemental Kingdom


The Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elements working in collaboration with Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven have blessed Era of Peace with powerful tools that are specifically designed to help Humanity Transcend the increased negativity surfacing at this time.


The Mighty Elohim have encoded the Elemental Intelligence within a BRAND NEW SACRED LIGHT ELIXIR AND SACRED ANOINTING OIL with powerful Solar Light Codes that are specifically designed to help Humanity Transcend any thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love. These are the fear-based human miscreations that are causing so much pain and suffering for Humanity at this time. Our ability to Transcend these discordant frequencies will make all the difference in the World when it comes to Transcending the chaos and maintaining a Peaceful and Harmonious Life Path.


If these precious Gifts from the Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom resonate in your Heart, they are available on our website.




This Sacred Light Elixir Harmonizes our energy field and assists us in Transcending the discordant frequencies of vibration surfacing in the outer world that are not based in Love. The Sacred Anointing Oil is placed directly on specific acupuncture points and will ease any physical stress we may be feeling from the greatly intensified Light we are now assimilating at a cellular level.


These powerful tools complement each other. Together, they greatly enhance the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. Even if you prefer to use only one of these precious tools, either one will help you immensely. First I will tell you about the Sacred Light Elixir for 2022.


2022 Sacred Light Elixir


This brand NEW Aromatic SACRED LIGHT ELIXIR was Cocreated through a multi-Dimensional Synergy inspired by the Masters of Light. The Harmonic Oils and Crystalline Liquid Light in this beautiful Elixir were encoded with NEW and greatly empowered Solar Light Codes that are specifically designed to help Humanity Transcend the frequency of any thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love. These are the fear-based human miscreations that are surfacing around the World causing so much pain and suffering for Humanity and all Life on Earth at this time. This Sacred Light Elixir was Cocreated through the unified efforts of the Mighty Elohim, Lightworkers and the Elemental Kingdom. This delightful Light Elixir has also been Consecrated with powerful energies from the Epic Quantum Shift that has taken place throughout the whole of Creation in 2022.


When you use the Sacred Light Elixir it clears the space in, through and around you which Harmonizes your energy field and assists you in Transcending the discordant frequencies surfacing in the outer world. It also paves the way for the unparalleled shift in energy, vibration and consciousness that is taking place at a cellular level within your Earthly Bodies at this time.


This Light Elixir is for external use only. All you have to do is gently spray this beautiful Light Elixir above your head one or two times each day and allow it to gently embrace your energy field and your Earthly Bodies.


If this powerful tool resonates within you and you have the Heart Call to use it, it is available on our website. Just click on the link below.   2022


2021 Sacred Anointing Oil


The SACRED ANOINTING OIL was Cocreated through the same process and the same Divine Intervention as the Light Elixir. The Harmonic Oils and Crystalline Liquid Light in this beautiful Anointing Oil were also encoded with NEW and greatly empowered Solar Light Codes that are specifically designed to help Humanity Transcend the frequency of any thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love. These are the fear-based human miscreations that are surfacing around the World causing so much pain and suffering for Humanity and all Life on Earth at this time. This Sacred Light Elixir was Cocreated through the unified efforts of the Mighty Elohim, Lightworkers and the Elemental Kingdom. This delightful Light Elixir has also been Consecrated with powerful energies from the Epic Quantum Shift that has taken place throughout the whole of Creation in 2022.


The Sacred Anointing Oil is for external use only. By placing a drop of this Oil on your Third Eye, the Power Center of your Throat Chakra, your Heart Chakra and the Pulse Point on the inside of both of your wrists, the recalibration of your nervous system is strengthened. As your Body Elemental absorbs this Sacred Anointing Oil it flows through your acupuncture meridians and power points calming and easing any physical stress you may be experiencing at a cellular level as your Earthly Bodies are upgraded. 


If this powerful tool resonates within you and you have the Heart Call to use it, it is available on our website. Just click on the link below.


God Bless You, 2022
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.


Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles

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