Newsletter English

Patricia Cota-Robles


Hi Precious Hearts,


This is a quick note to remind you that Arizona does not go on Daylight Savings Time, so this time of year we are the same time as California which is on Pacific Time.


The Virtual one-hour Activity of Light at the 37th World Congress on Illumination will begin at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time every morning from Sunday August 13th thru Thursday August 17th.


If you have not already registered for the Virtual Online 37th WCI and you want to participate in the FREE one-hour Online Virtual Activity of Light you must register on our website https://eraofpeace.org/pages/world-congress-pricing-and-registration


Once you are registered, every day during the 37th WCI beginning on Sunday, August 13th, you will receive a link to participate. If you do not see our email in your inbox each day, PLEASE look in your Spam folder. Gmail users should check Spam and Promotions folders.


If you are not able to join us live, the REPLAY will be available on our Rumble Chanel. This is our link:  https://rumble.com/c/c-3574104


We are Eternally Grateful that you are going to join us and weave your magnificent Light into this essential facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan. We are looking forward to spending this sacred time with you.


God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles


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