
2024 – July 30th
The Next Step
Patricia Cota-Robles
Vlog 31



The Company of Heaven has encouraged us for decades to pay attention because, as they say, “Cosmic Moments come and Cosmic Moments go.” What they mean by that is that throughout the Universe there are myriad events such as Celestial alignments and Universal cycles within cycles within cycles that cause shifts of vibration that greatly amplify the frequencies of Divine Light that are available for Humanity’s individual and collective evolutionary process.

These incredible opportunities present themselves on a regular basis through Lunar Cycles, Sun Cycles, Eclipses, Solstices, Equinoxes and Planetary Alignments. They also occur when we experience Galactic Solar Waves, Plasma Storms, Solar Winds, Photonic Light Streams, Solar Flares, Magnetic Fields and various other Cosmic events.

Even though these events present the opportunity for tremendous influxes of Divine Light on Earth, if you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity do not deliberately volunteer to be the Open Door for this Light on behalf of ourselves, Humanity and the rest of Life on Mother Earth, this Divine Light will pass us by and will not be tangibly available in the physical world of form on this Planet.

Because of our Gift of Free Will, there is a Universal Law to which the entire Company of Heaven is subject. That Law states that “The Call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed.” The entire Company of Heaven and every person’s I AM Presence are always standing in readiness awaiting the Heartfelt invitation of embodied Sons and Daughters of God who are calling out to them for assistance, but without our permission they cannot intervene.

In addition to all of these powerful opportunities there are also outer-world events that draw the focus of attention of the masses of Humanity. These events Create a Collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person can invoke the Light of God to bless Mother Earth and ALL her Life in unique and very powerful ways.

The Company of Heaven has been revealing to us that at this time the Earth and Humanity are receiving the opportunity for unprecedented assistance from our Grand Central Sun and the Solar Logos from that System of Worlds who are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz. The opportunity for this powerful Divine Intervention has been intensifying since Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her were able to reclaim our rightful place in the Universe and Ascend into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. This occurred during the December Solstice in 2023. For the past several months we have been experiencing powerful Solar Flashes and extremely powerful shifts in Earth’s magnetic field. This has opened portals in Earth’s magnetic field that are allowing us to receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light than Humanity has been able to previously withstand at a cellular level.

Magnetic shifts of this nature alter our personal energy field and dramatically affect our Nervous System, our Mental Body and our Physical Brain Structure. When our magnetic field shifts in this way the stagnant patterns encoded in our Etheric Body are shattered. The remaining residue of these obsolete patterns are then pushed to the surface to be Transmuted back into Light. This allows our I AM Presence, our Silent Watcher and our Body Elemental to remove any remaining blocks that have been preventing us from moving forward in the Light.

We are being told by our Father-Mother God that this Divine Intervention from the Solar Logos Sanat and Luz and the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun is having the effect of empowering our Spiritual Brain Centers to new levels. This Celestial event and the activities of Light the Company of Heaven has guided us through so far this year are allowing our I AM Presence to splice the fragmented circuitry within the right and left hemispheres of our brain. This is allowing the remaining pathways within our physical brain structure to be strengthened and in many instances restored to their original Divine Potential.

As these pathways are reconnected, our Spiritual Brain Centers which consist of our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain are also reaching higher levels of their full Divine Potential.

Dear One, please do not let this Cosmic Moment pass you by. Remember, we are in the midst of the Paris Olympic Summer Games. The Thoughtform flowing through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness which has been formed by Humanity’s Global focus of attention on the Olympic Games represents:

The Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Peace with the Goal of reaching our highest level of Excellence.

Precious Heart, ask your I AM Presence to help you contemplate the information in this Vlog and focus on this monumental opportunity. Then, go within to the Divinity of your own Heart Flame and invite your I AM Presence to BE the Open Door for this activity of Light on behalf of yourself, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.


God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.


Patricia Cota-Robles
 Era of Peace
  PO Box 17446 Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
 Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440


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